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ES/MS CIC Library : Seventh Grade

Welcome to the AISC ES/MS CIC Library!

Seventh Grade

Link to passwords can be found HERE.

Click HERE to browse all of Gale's databases.

Global Issues of Health

Click on the image to browse library resources.


Clink on a database to learn more.


Click on a website to find out more about water scarcity and global health. 

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Student Protection: Bullying and Harassment

Clink on the image to browse the library's resources. 


Click on a database to learn more about preventing bullying and harassment.


Choose a website to learn more.


Relationships, Gender, and Sexuality

Click on the image to browse library resources. 


Click on a database to find out more about relationships, sexuality, and gender.


Choose a website to learn more. 


Puberty and Personal Hygiene

Click on the image to browse the library's resources about puberty. 


Click on a database to learn more.


Click on a website to learn more.