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ES/MS CIC Library : Research

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Elementary and Middle School Databases

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Middle School Databases

To find login information, click HERE.

***You will need to log into Google Drive***

Database with primary source documents, videos, podcasts, articles, and more. 

The award-winning Teen Health & Wellness provides middle and high school students with up-to-date, nonjudgmental, straightforward curricular, and self-help support. Topics covered include diseases, drugs, alcohol, nutrition, mental health, suicide, bullying, LGBTQ+ issues, and more.


Look here for databases on several topics including science, history, literature, global issues, and more. 

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  1. Go to PressReader. Select "Sign in"
  2. Select sign in using Google
  3. Sign in with your school email
  4. On the homepage, in upper right corner, select "My Account"
  5. Under Social and Linked Networks, Library or Group, select "link"
  6. Search for Chennai, select American International School Chennai
  7. Enter your school email ID, and submit
  8. Check your inbox, and follow the verification link.

Instructions with screenshots can be found here.


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